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Skiing with children

How did you learn to ski?

How did you learn to ski? Did your parents put you on skis? Or only in upper school? Then you remember how silly it was that you didn't join the "fast ones" in the group at ski camp. Skiing also takes courage and the best place to get it is in the safety of your family. Teaching your own children to ski can and should be a good experience for both children and parents. If you know how, it's also fun and extremely easy on the nerves. We have put together everything you need to know to teach your child to ski efficiently and without frustration.

Free packing instructions

With our free guide for on the go, you'll be well equipped on the slopes. Simply download the PDF to your cell phone and hit the snow.

Once you have downloaded the PDF, you can view it without an internet connection.

  • Practical tips for a successful day of skiing with children
  • Instructions on how to make skiing fun for your child

Skiing from 3 years

Diapers off - skis on: The right moment to start your "skiing career". The earlier, the easier it is to learn. Many children are physically ready for skiing from around the age of 3. To avoid the big crisis on the first day, there is a simple test: put the child in ski boots and see if they can stand and walk. If they still enjoy it, then everything is fine. Ski boots are quite uncomfortable for children as they are not yet used to hard shoes. It takes patience and a sure instinct not to spoil the fun for the little ones before the first fall. Skiing should be fun - for the children too, so don't force it! If the parents ski, this will probably rub off on the little ones of its own accord.

Material for the first season

The right equipment is important and if you're clever, you don't start organizing when the first snow falls. This also saves a lot of money. However, skis and ski boots for children should not be bought "in stock". The little ones grow unpredictably and the wrong sizes are not only uncomfortable but also quite dangerous.

Children's ski equipment

Click on the items for detailed information.